Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Event 2: LACMA

I visited the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for my second event. I am very excited since I have heard about it a couple of times even before I landed in LA. And the truth is, it was indeed an interesting experience.

Rain Room is definitely the most impressive work on this trip. I got the last-minute ticket for it luckily. Honestly, I didn't see that coming since the Rain Room is so popular!

Rain Room
Rain room is created by Random International, a collaborative studio founded in 2005 that use technology to create interactive experiences of art. In the black room, water pours from the ceiling and seeps into the floor made by iron wire. When people move through the water, the rain will pause so that the water will only fall around them. Just like what stated on the website of LACMA, the Rain Room offer the visitors "the ability to control rain."

Me in the Rain Room
Behind this stunningly beautiful experience are ten 3-D cameras that detect body motion. Computers receive the signals that these cameras send back and then determine whether the 36 sprinkler nozzles on the ceiling to release water or not. 528 gallons of water is used in the Rain Room and will be recycled throughout the exhibition.
I absolutely love the experience of Rain Room. Instead of standing there watching and imaging, I can feel the work and the feeling that the artists want to express. I believe this is also the most charming aspect of the combination of art and science - people can actually feel the art.

Miracle Mile by Robert Irwin
Metropolis II by Chris Burden
Other works in LACMA are also fascinating such as Metropolis II and Urban Light by Chris Burden and Miracle Mile by Robert Irwin. After this trip, I have a better understanding of Two Cultures. I highly recommend this event since it shows lots of amazing artworks when technology and art come together!


Vankin, Deborah. "First Look inside LACMA's Rain Room: An Indoor Storm Where You Won't Get Wet...honest." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times. Web. 31 May 2016.

 "Rain Room." Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Web. 31 May 2016.

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